The Basics of Effective Internet Marketing


Whether you knit booties at home or sell dump trucks for export, the presence of your product, and hence your brand on the Internet is implied by default. The user becomes more sophisticated, competitors, not stinting, invest in Internet marketing, new technologies appear, and the pace of development of online promotion tools is growing. Fortunately, this allows you to choose the format and/or scale of your presence on the Internet that best suits the goals and objectives of the business.

Internet Marketing Definition and Strategy Preparation Steps

Marketing – a set of measures to attract maximum customers to a product or service. Internet marketing does the same, only specialists use online tools to achieve the goal. Today it is the widest list of opportunities: from your group on social networks to search engine promotion and publication of advertising materials on information resources.

Thus, Internet marketing is a branch that a business cannot separate from the general marketing concept offline. And the more you develop online, the more opportunities there are for linking it to offline.

Before investing in marketing or getting along with website marketing companies, you should make sure that each link in the business chain works well: sales, logistics, after-sales service. So the invested budgets will return a profit and will not become another expense item. To say that a particular activity is working or not working can only be measured. How to organize and implement this, we will analyze in more detail in the following materials.

  1. Product

This is not always a product that is sold in an online store, or a service that a company provides. Rather, it is a comprehensive offer that a businessman carries to a future client. For example, the owner can not affect the quality of the blender presented in the online store, as it is not involved in its production. To sell a product on the Internet, you need to take care of an “appetizing” presentation. A well-designed product card will help the user make a choice in your favor. Therefore, you need to think through a description, post the characteristics and photos of the product, shoot a demo video.Want to try Cloudways for free? Check this promo code and get 3 months cloud hosting for free.

  1. Price

A component that affects the purchase decision in about 30% of cases. It is important to be “in the market” for this indicator, but price dumping alone is not enough for a successful business. The converse is also true: if the business owner offers something at a price higher than the market price, then you should make sure that the value of the offer is higher. Be sure to indicate the price of the goods on the site. If it is formed individually, then you can post examples of completed projects with the price of materials, services, etc. Even high cost can sell, because often it speaks of the exceptional quality of the goods offered.

  1. Place

The platform where the product is available to the buyer. For example, directories, social networks or a site. Just as an offline store should be conveniently located and well maintained, a website or an account on social networks should be ready to receive users and convenient for searching, choosing a product and ordering. It is necessary to ensure that the site is in visible positions in the search, that the banners are placed on sites whose content corresponds to the proposal, and retargeting “pursues” interested visitors to the site.

  1. Promotion

Measures and events through which the businessman introduces the buyer to the proposal. Advertising, PR articles and native projects, search engine promotion, sales promotion through promotions – all this needs to be planned, implemented and tracked on the Internet. It’s better to start with working channels in order to avoid disappointment in all Internet marketing due to the wrong strategy. For example, entering the market with a new product, you can post an article on a media resource with a large reach to interest a wide range of users.